Just A Card Interview

I was so excited to get an email from the lovely people at the Just a Card Campaign https://www.justacard.org/ asking if I’d be happy to be interviewed on their blog - https://www.justacard.org/blog/2019/3/15/fiona-wilson

 If you’ve not heard of the campaign - you can find out more on the link above- but in a nutshell it’s to promote and support small independent businesses. It’s a great way to educate customers about the positives of buying small, shopping local and supporting independent businesses.

As a small business owner myself this is something that is such a huge help and there are lots of ways you can get involved in the campaign. You can buy a lovely pin to wear, get a sticker for your shop window, follow and like their posts on twitter and Instagram and share them too!

It’s also a great way to be part of a community - see my last post for more on this. So go give them a follow and tell everyone you know about it!! Thanks.
Love Fiona
