Needle Forge Mill Museum - Freedom Exhibition

Had a lovely time at the Needle Forge Mill Museum in Redditch on Saturday. It was the private view for the Freedom exhibition and I was extremely lucky to win a prize for my sketch book. the exhibition is still on, but if its too far for you to get to, I have shown a few images of my work below.

Here are some close ups of the pages - you can find other images of my sketch book in an earlier post too.


  1. Fiona ~ congratulations on winning the prize, although I am not at all surprised!

  2. Well done to you. Would love to have a look at your "no doubt" beautiful sketchbook. Too far to travel to exhibition at the moment but did look on the website at the winner. xx

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments, its been a funny summer feeling a little lost after graduating so your input keeps me smiling and determined to keep focused!


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