The right way

I always tell my students that there is no one right way to draw.  There are different ways, and no one way is necessarily more valid than another.  Being open to trying out new ways is a great way to explore creativity.  I have played around with automatic drawing before, the idea of just putting down on paper whatever comes into your mind.  You can't do an automatic drawing wrong, you may not like the end result, and if that's the case, draw over it, paint over it, block out the bits you don't like, until you find something you do.  You can see my experiments with this idea below.  Its not a work of art, but a process, its a great way to warm up and you might just enjoy it.

There are bits of this drawing I really like, and others I don't, but that's OK, as I can still alter it if I want.  You don't have to do large scale drawing like I have, it could be something smaller.  I have taken to carrying around a small doodle book with me so that I can just have quick scribble or make some marks when I get the urge, some images from this to come soon.....


  1. Thank you for this post, it's very inspiring and I love the drawings you've created.

    1. Thanks Chloe - let me know if you give it a try :)

    2. I will :) I often do doodle but not in such a nice free way as this, I think I need to make some time to play around with the idea :)

  2. lovely drawings fiona. by the way, how do you get your blog to set up the 'you might like' boxes? It's great to have them there, to check out other posts. A good way of catching up with things I might have missed. Jan

    1. Hi Jan, thank you. The you might like boxes I just googled 'how to add you might like on blogger' and found the widget for it. If I can do it, anyone can!

    2. thanks fiona; I'll try it and see how i muddle through! cheers.

  3. Hi Fiona; found it; tried it; it worked! Thanks for the help.


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