365 Prints

print:  a mark or impression made in or on a surface by pressure.... something formed or marked by a device or implement.....to press onto a surface.

I am setting myself a target this year in order to really push and explore my love of print.  The plan is to make 365 printing devices or tools, one for each day of the year.  Developing on from past experiments with mark making, shape, colour and texture and using techniques from print making, screen printing and whatever else I discover on the way.  I am not sure where this will take me yet or what I may end up creating as a result, I'm just going to experiment, take a few risks and see what happens and share it on here.

Getting a head start on Christmas Day.....

I will post my first print plate and results tomorrow.
I'd be interested to know whether you have plans in place for the new year? Let me know what you are all up to...


  1. Wow, what a great project. Looking forward to seeing all your lovely prints. Happy New Year xx

    1. Thanks Hannah - I am really enjoying it. Let's hope I can keep it up for the whole year :) x


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