365 Prints - Day 79

Day 79 - Print Plate No. 79 - stencil
cardboard, acrylic paint, carbon paper, cartridge paper

I'm not totally sure about the acrylic for monoprints. Maybe I'm applying it too heavily?
Maybe it's the opacity of it. Not sure quite what it is - feels heavy handed but then that's  again perhaps down to the application. I probably need some extender to add to it so I can achieve thinner layers and also it won't dry so fast.
Having said all that,  there is something about the heavy print shown in the last image.


  1. Fiona, print-making can seem simple on the face of it! But, I have discovered the same problems/challenges with different paints. It seems, to me, that I have success more often when I have all paints, masks, stencils and, especially clean-up supplies and water spritzer, right there at my side. This way, as you have said, I can play and experiment without stopping to search out a rag or more paint! Your prints are great. I do appreciate the difference between the soft, lighter print and the heavier last print. I love using black paint sometimes. Thank you for sharing your work. I am inspired.
    Suzanne G in NC, USA

    1. Thanks Suzanne - lovely of you to take time to leave me a comment. It takes time to develop skill with new processes and I'm not always the most patient - but currently having to work a bit slower than I normally do due to bad back.
      I have ordered myself some extender - so waiting for it to arrive so I can keep persevering with the acrylics. So I'm excited to see what possibilities it will open up.
      Thanks again - Fiona ;)

  2. Your back may quiet its complaints when you are in the studio; i have pain and the only place i get relief, aside from medications, is when I am making art. It is a huge physical challenge, however, as we use our back muscles for EVERYthing!
    Don't you enjoy working working with acrylics? I tried "screenprint inks" but still prefer acrylics, even if I have to add extender as you do.
    I hope our back quits the whining but you have certainly answered the challenge with some coolwork!

    1. Hi Suzanne - my work has definitely kept me sane whilst I've got this back pain - you do forget whilst being busy creating and it's slowed me down which has given me more time to think as well as do. Getting there with the acrylic now - feel like I understand it better. Thanks for your lovely comments x x x


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